Bhopal (City Of lakes) – a fascinating blend of a traditional and modern one.
Sacredscapes: a social impact study on Pandharpur wari
Sociability and urban identity in a post-metropolis condition
Temporality and market spaces: A neutral ground for sociability.
Capturing the 'Urban' through a cinematic lens...
‘Urban Safety' - Cities for children: A right to play and grow
Legitimizing Informality: A Tactical way towards reactivating our Cities.
A journey towards inclusive designing with a people-centric approach...
‘Spaces to Speak’: Reimagining public spaces in the information technology era.
Space of Flows and Space of Places
Urban Actors I : The missing heroes of our cities!
Defining Contemporary Values of Heritage: Case of medium town, Jabalpur
Dilemma of conserving our cities today..
Blog II: High-Density urbanism: A blessing or curse! Case of Mumbai.
High density urbanism: A blessing or curse!
‘Urban consciousness’ and the transforming public spaces: Tracing conspicuous tendencies.
“If you are good at drawing, you must join Architecture”: A popular myth.
'M' for Mythology and Morphology..
Streets: A social product..
Insurgency - A spatial divide.